We Are A Reading School

We Are A Reading School

Year 12 Guided Reading Mentors 2024

We have been overwhelmed by the number of Year 12s wanting to volunteer as Guided Reading Mentors this year!

After Ms Hart’s Sixth Form assembly, advertising the volunteering opportunity with the help of Dawn S (Year 13), one of last year’s skilled mentors, the emails came flooding in and we have been inundated by pupils popping by to see if they can be part of team. This enthusiastic response is evidence that pupils at PGS value the importance of reading and the sharing their love of it with younger members of the community.

Pupils in Year 12 started their Guided Reading sessions last week with Year 7 Barton House pupils, ably supported by Isabel Fi (Year 13), another experienced Mentor. With their guided reading materials in hand, conversation flowed for 15 full minutes as Year 7s and Year 12s explored The Bone Sparrow by Zana Fraillon.

Listening in to their conversations, it was evident that the Year 12s were stretching the Year 7s with their questioning and use of academic language when exploring the text.

We look forward to a year of successful mentoring and discussion of books!

We Are A Reading School