Getting to Know Year 7

Getting to Know Year 7
Year 7 Community

Year 7 got to enjoy their special ‘Getting to Know You Day’ this week, and luckily the sunshine returned for the occasion!

The pupils had a wonderful, fun-packed day at Governor’s Green, starting with a high energy game of ‘Sharks and Fish’ then enjoying a rotation of observation games, crazy football, stinger and working together to solve the human knot and move through rope shapes. After lunch, pupils were randomly put in teams to work together to create an egg thrower, with the grand finale seeing each group throw their creations to see who could throw the furthest without destroying their egg. Many congratulations to the top two teams: ‘Preppy Team’ with Tanya, Wulfie, Celia, Cade, David and Ianthe in 2nd place and ‘Sigma’ in the highly coveted first place, made up of Jess, Woody, Thanasis, Jasper and Florence. Great team work!

The purpose of the day was for all the pupils to meet new people, and begin to identify as a community. At the beginning of the day, I set all pupils a challenge of speaking to a member of the year group they had not yet spoken to, and every single pupil achieved this (resulting in an ice-cream reward!) I was very proud of Year 7 for, without exception, getting really involved in all the activities. I was also really impressed when without instruction, so many ended the day by combing the area for rubbish and clearing up!

by Mrs Leighton-Smith, Head of Year 7

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Getting to Know Year 7