Southsea Coastal Scheme

Southsea Coastal Scheme
Junior School Trips & Visits

Two representatives of the Southsea Coastal Scheme joined our year 5 pupils, this week, to show them the effects and benefits of sea defences.  

The pupils watched as a manual wave machine pushed wave after wave against an imitation shoreline. A wide range of structures representing sea defences were placed inside the wave machine to display their effectiveness at protecting the land.  

Southsea Coastal Scheme is the UK’s largest local authority-led coastal defences project, worth around £180 million. The scheme has been put in place to protect Southsea, against coastal flooding. The project began in September 2020 and is due to be completed in 2028. 

Year 5 were thoroughly engaged throughout the interactive session, which included the water feature display as well as some enjoyable group tasks.  


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Southsea Coastal Scheme