Bronze on the South Downs

Bronze on the South Downs
Outdoor Pursuits Senior School

by Tabitha Richardson, Year 10

Excited Year 10s took on the South Downs and spent two days and one night in the fresh July air on their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award expedition

After many months of volunteering, physical activities and demonstrating skills, Year 10 were now on the final stretch towards their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh award. They had to be able to walk quite a long journey of 25km and navigate/stick to their route with a compass and map,
which proved to be quite the learning curve for some! Not only this, but they also had to complete their expedition carrying the considerable weight of all their equipment on their back; ensuring they only carried the bare essentials.

Once they had reached the campsite, they were hit with a wave of relaxation and made use of the wilderness around them, creating a harmonious game of makeshift cricket - a true show of the PGS cores, creativity and collaboration.

The Bronze award has seemed not to deter the year 10s, as the majority have also expressed an interest in the next stage - the Silver award.

The expedition was certainly tiring, but the Year 10s had the courage and resilience to persevere through it all, so much so, they were raring for Sports Day the next day!

DofE awards are a highly recognised achievement for both employers and universities, so it would be highly recommended that your child should get involved.

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Bronze on the South Downs